Charlotte & Fleur

Human parkour is an activity in which individuals interact with their environment in such a way that they jump, climb, vault; etc. over/under obstacles within their path. It focuses on the persons individual journey to overcome fears and increase their personal abilities. Dog parkour is very similar in that it is an activity people participant in with their dogs to build teamwork, confidence and athletic ability. Any dog is capable of playing and enjoying parkour and the focus should be on interacting with ones environment to improve your overall goals (be it increasing confidence, body awareness, or simply enjoying each other) rather than competing against another team or doing something ‘bigger, better, faster’.


Interested in hosting a workshop? Email us for more information

The International Dog Parkour Association has titling programs that you may participate in. You can find their information here. They focus on achievements for each team and the ability of your specific dog. In person titling can be done for IDPKA’s training and Novice titles